Musings from the poet laureate of frivolity
All Material Copyright © 2008 by Adam Strong

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Location: Portland, Oregon, United States

Observationist. Prone to posting in bursts, then remaining dormant for a few weeks.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Snow Days

The front steps, and the stretch of road that lies in front of it has become a barometer of sorts, an area that usually does not get that much attention.

For the past three days now, school has been closed, and those that live in the designated vacation zones know that this means building any variety of snowman (seen yesterday, snow water buffalo, in the downward facing dog yoga position, it almost took my breath away) and snow angels.

It takes longer to walk places, driving in snow, is for me an alien concept, strange the way the ground is so unreliable, and can suddenly without notice slip underneath you, and jiggle you out of your safety zone.

All of this insulation, makes one want to be outside, then inside again. We've seen a few movies, strange hidden beasts from ten years ago. Sean Penn with perfect brown hair. Gary Oldman when he was rail thin, like a drunken Sid Vicious. Ed Harris with hair, who would have thought?

State of Grace did have some issues that it really never quite overcame, development time on a bust that never really happened, and that the audience knew would never happen, so the whole thing turns into a meditation on friendship, but couldn't we have done this in a more direct way?

Sometimes when I am tired, movies are a chore, and I find my eyes continually drift to the time remaining display on the DVD player.

This overall vague notion of the future, one that is controlled by mother nature, brings us back to man's earliest incarnations, reminding us just who is in charge.


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