Musings from the poet laureate of frivolity
All Material Copyright © 2008 by Adam Strong

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Location: Portland, Oregon, United States

Observationist. Prone to posting in bursts, then remaining dormant for a few weeks.

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

I made some adjustments to the site this morning. I added hourly news bulletins to assure that I would no longer have an excuse for not writing.

I am profoundly affected by the events within my life and the bloody politics the outskirts of conversations.

But what is truly frightening is the lazy ignorance, the fog of war, the eventual surrender of oneself to the media. To allow it to overtake you, or to say that you do not have enough time to listen to the world destroy itself shows an increasing disinterest in oneself and ones own personal environment.

Your garden becomes more important than your country. Focus not on the developing Fascist state, but on adding an additional bedroom to the existing foundation of your tract housing unit.

I frequently hear people say 'I just cannot listen to it anymore'. That they're threshold for political turbulence is at such a miniscule level does not disturb me, but the easy way in which politics has broad shouldered the average American is truly dangerous in a democracy. That we have chosen consumer goods over the welfare of our own people speaks volumes about ourselves and our level of commitment to this society.

There are limits of course. Some choose not to listen to the incessant barrage of headlines that offer despair, murder, death and corruption alongside Baseball statistics and fad diets. I am not advocating eliminating all free time and dedicating oneself solely to advocacy rather I offer up this challenge: To start a dialogue with someone that has a different ideology than yourself.

If you are not registered to vote, register. If you do not know anything about what is going on, get informed.

You will continue to become marginalized until you respect yourself enough to empower your existence.

Thank you and now back to the pabulum of American Idol.


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